All’s Fair in love and WAAAAAAAR

~Sammy Activated~

Mood: Tired but happy

Current song: Jai Ho!(you are my destiny)- The Pussycat Dolls 

Status of dog: sandwiched between two pillows by my footsies

Hello there misfits 😉 this is Sam (A.K.A Sammy) speaking!

I’m really sorry I haven’t even been on except when I said hello (Which was way lamer than way Deanna said, oops), I’ll try to work on that >.< .

I actually HAVE a topic for my post today!yaaaaay! it’s RELATIONSHIPS(of any kind really)

Deanna has brought to my attention the topic of Meg and Kevin’s relationship, or should I say, their megregulationship (I’m so so sorry for my horrible puns)(but it’s so true). Meg basically tells him how to live life, and is very….overbearing-mom-like. For example, last year i was having a conversation with Kevin,and he ended up laughing so hard he cried (happy tears). He wiped his eyes and said, ” Oh man! i could never be like that in front of Meg.”

Um….What? You can’t laugh? Well okay….

Then the stuff with “You can’t hug other girls!” oh sweet mama it’s how the boy says hi! Even better is when Meg told Kevin to tell ME to not comment/like his Facebook statuses (this is when they first started dating and i was still heartbroken over him just randomly dating her after literally the day before saying he liked me a lot… so i can KINDA understand her protectiveness…but….Geez woman.)

I really don’t think it’s a healthy relationship, 1) the chick is in college and is a few learning curves ahead of her boytoy 2)they fight a lot like holy moley guacamole 3) a person needs to be their OWN person in the relationship and as long as they’re faithful and taking care of your needs (AND VICE VERSAAAAA) it really shouldn’t matter what they do….i mean didn’t you like them BECAUSE they acted like that?

Onto the next relationship!!!!

Deanna and i have been friends for….wow almost a year now? i know maybe to others that may not seem that long but i make/lose friends like they’re going out of style. I absolutely adore Deanna, she is beautiful,smart,sassy, funny, and has stood by me even when i really deserved to be deserted. LIKE COULD I EVER GET A BETTER BEST FRIEND?NO PEOPLE. I COULD NOT. She let’s me be myself, the even better part? She accepts it. That’s rare, usually people just…put up with my weirdness but she just flat up

“Oh,you want to get an apartment in London with 30 cats? You better done diddly have me as your roommate or you’re going die”

It’s pretty awesome. I’m going to do my best to not frack up this friendship like i did with my ex-best friend Astrid.(i don’t think my heart will ever heal from the hole i ripped in it after Astrid…I miss her so much….). I will try to always be there for my banana Deanna, and support her when she needs it,because i love  her. (#NOHOMO)

Last but Not Least!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My love! Chesher! OOOOh man our story is pretty….whack haha. i met him at school (same day i met Deanna!) Jan 15, and the moment i saw him i was like *faints*, sadly, i’m not even joking. But because all my life people said “love at first sight isn’t real” i just ignored my feeling for him for a bit, and when Astrid asked me who i liked….i lied and said no one….(OH MY GOLLY WHY DID I DO THAAAAAAT). Well it turns out Astrid liked Cheshire too! They ended up dating! while they were dating Cheshire someone managed to become one of my best friends, because he listened to me and actually cared about me. We just said we were like siblings and it was true….we were that close (still are! <3). Then….one day i opened that little box of emotions and realized i had a huge crush on the darn boy. Then after that well crap i fell in love and hit every love branch on the way down. One day when he came over to my house he admitted he liked me too (after pinning me down and making me confess,of course). and we were like “crapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrap!” because well he was still dating Astrid. Things got worse and i lost my best friend Astrid and while doing that i almost lost Cheshire too. Things have smoothed out a lot though, Cheshire is there for me and supports me (unless he disagrees then he makes it verbally obvious he doesn’t agree). So here we are, still deeply in love and just as goofy as we were before…. FIVE MONTHS HOLY CRAP! We have had man debates Cheshire and i but we’ve stuck together for…..five months…(that’s how long we’ve been dating I’ve known/liked him for 11 months)

It’s raining outside!Yay!!! Better than snow honestly haha, well that’s all my Talk for today misfits! Comment your opinions on…Everything really,we want feedback! Stay warm Misfits!

   ~Sammy Deactivated~