Beam me up Scotty. They’re all crazy down here.

Why hello again, you beautiful people. I am sooooo sorry I have not been back on since last month. My computer had a virus and I just got it fixed last night. So, I guess I am just going to catch you all up on what has happened in the last month or so since I hae been on.

Now, remember that boyfriend I told y’all about? Well, he broke up with me. In a NOTE. After two days of ignoring me. On our ONE MONTH ANNIVERSARY. Seriously. I had gotten him a present and everything (Childish, I know) and he broke up with me. I was so confused. He had told me he loved me and all this crap. But he just said that we were better as friends and left it at that. We’re still kind of friends, but not nearly as much as we were before we ever even started dating. But I am going to be truthful here. He completely broke my heart. Sometimes I don’t know what to do with myself. I find myself wanting to message him, wanting to talk to him. And it sucks royally. I always thought that I wouldn’t be one of those girls who lets a break up get in her way. Well, I was wrong.

But Sammy helped me tremendously. She even went as far as not judging me when I dragged her into the girl’s bathroom after school and sobbed my eyes out. (Yes, I sobbed over a guy. For all you major feminists out there, get over it. It is completely normal for a girl to cry over a boy. Crying over them doesn’t make us weak. It makes us stronger and helps us not to get hurt more often.) So when she reads this, she better know that I love her.

The good thing is that I got a good friend out of this. It was my ex boyfriend’s identical twin brother. (No, I am not going to pursue him) We were friends before, but now we talk a LOT more and he is my 2nd best friend I have, with Sammy in the lead. But for today, we are going to talk about him, and we are going to talk about relationships. And after this, I want you all to give your opinion in the comments or in the feedback. So, let’s begin.

Now, my friend, who we will call Kevin for the time being to keep him anonymous, is in a relationship. He is 1 month younger than me (15 years old) and last year while we were still freshman in high-school (9th grade) and he was only 14,  he started dating this girl who was a senior (12th grade) and 18 years old. We’ll call her Meg. Anyways, so Kevin started dating Meg and at first, it was kind of weird because Kevin had told Sammy that he had liked her and then turned around and started dating Meg soon after. So, I wasn’t really all for it because HELLO! She’s my best friend and he just kind of stomped her soul. So after that died down (Sammy got over it, which I was proud of. Like, you go girl!!) it was kind of cute-ish, but I still thought it was kind of weird because she was so much older than him, and to tell you the truth, he is a 5 year old on the inside. Plus, I had always thought he was gay. (Which Sammy informed him of almost instantly after I had told her my thought. That posed for an interesting conversation. He still holds that against me TO THIS DAY.)

So after the weirdness of it all had initially died down, we started to see the bad sides of this relationship. First off, she calls him ‘Child’. SERIOUSLY? If you are going to date him, treat him as an equal. Not as someone younger than you. News flash guys, when you are dating someone, I’m sure they would not liked to be called ‘Child’. Or ‘Kid’. Those are big no-no’s. So besides that, they fight all the time. And Kevin’s twin, who we’re going to call Metatron FOR OBVIOUS REASONS, hates her too. They fight worse than anyone I’ve ever met in my life.

So they fight all of the time. But the worse thing, the thing that I think makes it an unhealthy relationship, is her amount of jealousy. He is not even allowed to talk to other girls whenever she is around. And it’s horrible because it’s like a family trait for him to hug everyone. He just has a lot of friends. So whenever he goes to talk to or hug anyone of the other gender, she will grab him say “We talked about this. You’re not allowed to do that” and drag him away.

And by now I know you are all probably thinking “Well, he has a girlfriend, so he shouldn’t be hugging other girls anyways.” But you have to understand. It went WAY farther than that. When Metatron broke up with me (Wow, that would make for a good fanfic.) I was so freaking sad. So Kevin started hanging out with me more. And it was literally only 1 week after he had broke p with me when she started getting jealous. She had come back from college (We’re sophmores now so she’s a freshman in college) and we were at church and I was sitting all alone, so he came to hug me and he got like a foot away and she grabbed him and DRAGGED him into the other room. I was like “Woah there” because seriously, I was still upset over losing my first boyfriend and she expected me to try and steal him away already.

The latest thing to happen was a couple weeks ago, we had a math competition. So me and Kevin and a big group of our friends were taking selfies while we were waiting for the results (I got 3rd place out of about 21 people in the Algebra 2 division. Woot woot!!) and we took a lot. But there was one where it was just the two of us. And in the pic, our hair looks exactly the same color (It looked blonde in the pic. We both have dark-ish brown hair) and we both had glasses and blue eyes, so we seriously looked like we were related. And he always calls my mother his mom so we sent it to her saying something like “Mom, is there something you’re not telling us?” and it was a joke. But I used it as my profile pic on Facebook because it was a good pic and I actually looked good in it. And let’s face it, it’s hard for me to look good in ANYTHING. But she made this HUGE deal about it. The next day, we were working in Geometry and Metatron comes up and says “You caused a HUGE fight between Kevin and Meg. About your profile pic.” and I was then informed that this was their first real fight. So then I felt bad.

But my point is, after all of this rant, I honestly don’t think he is in a healthy relationship. And NO. I am not jealous. I don’t like him or have a crush on him. He is just one of my really good friends. I don’t like to see any of my friends hurting or being pushed around.

So, send us your opinions!! Especially you Opinionated Man. I saw that you followed our blog and I am hoping that your user name has some truth to it. 😉 It has been fun writing this. It’s always interesting when you get to call your friend Kevin and your ex Metatron when their real names are nothing like that. All I know is that the next time I see Kevin and Meg, and Meg’s giving him crap, the only thing I am going to be thinking is “Beam me up Scotty. They’re all crazy down here.”

 God Bless and Be kind to one another!!!


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